Enabling responsible supply chains
The private sector brings critical capital, knowledge, and capacity to scale up legal and sustainable trade in wild species. At the same time, businesses may unwittingly or purposefully facilitate the illegal sourcing, transport, and sale of wild species products.
Effective detection and prevention of illegal trade, as well as responsible business practices, are building blocks for sustainable, traceable, transparent, corruption-free and legal wild species supply chains. We research and analyse wild species trade trends, target our analysis and recommendations to priority industries. and support development and use of tools and approaches to accelerate change across key business sectors.
We support the development of new public-private partnerships and business-to-business partnerships in targeted supply chains to catalyse collective action on wild plants ingredients, timber and wood products, fisheries and seafood, and other wild species products).
Priority areas include benchmarking sustainable production, certification standards, traceability, due diligence requirements, and fair and equitable benefit-sharing. We focus on integration of risks and opportunities related to trade in wild species into existing global monitoring and reporting initiatives.